Upgrades - How Do I Move Up the Ranks?
Progression as an Indoor Official
To encourage more referees to upgrade their certification and to improve the transparency and accountability of the OVA upgrade process, the OVA Referee Committee has provided some expectations and recommended requirements that referees should strive for. Please note that these requirements serve as a guideline for referees and all upgrades are subject to the referee committee’s discretion.
Progression Chart - Indoor
Note: The content in the sections below is taken directly from the OVA's Certification Level and Recommended Requirements 1-4 documents. Should their be any discrepancies between the two documents, the documents provided by the OVA in the links above shall be considered the most recent.
Must be minimum 15 years-old
Must complete the online referee theory module and attend an in-person theory clinic
Must complete and pass a theory exam
Must perform adequately at a practical evaluation (usually a one-day tournament)
Must pass the OVA Screening Policy to be assigned
Expectations of a Level 1 - Local Referee
Be an active referee as a Local Referee
Studies and continues to learn the rules of the game
Prepared to officiate 13U - 16U youth competitions
Officiates elementary and junior high school leagues and tournaments
Attends Provincial/National Championships