The hitting warm up is an important part of game preparation, however, it does come with some inherent risks for both athletes and spectators. To reduce these risks, the OVA mandates that teams follow these warm up guidelines:
Athletes remain on one side of the net during a hitting warm up and those not hitting retrieve the balls on the opposite side.
Athletes should not be crossing under the net during hitting warm ups into the direct path of the balls.
Athletes should run around the outside of the court to retrieve balls.
Designate one side for attacking and one for retrieving. Ask spectators to avoid sitting on the retrieving side during warm up.
Hitting should be directed away from courts with active games and from spectator seating if possible
Warming up with ball at the team bench, behind the court, or in the spectator walkways, is not permitted
Additional Clarifications regarding the items above and KDVC Referee Actions
Item 1
The non-hitting team may choose to shag for the hitting team, but they are not required to do so.
Coaches are not allowed to toss from the non-hitting side from within the court; they should do so from outside the court behind the 3m line
Coaches may toss from anywhere within their hitting side.
Item 2
If an athlete runs under the net to retrieve a ball gently correct the behavior by advising them to run outside the court to retrieve balls.​
It is the responsibility of every referee to enforce the protocol
Item 4
Not required for KASSAA and LGSSAA. In cases where the spectators are not on the playing surface (ie balcony or gallery) this is not required.​
7.2.4 Volleyball Canada – In an effort to reduce the incidence of injuries and concussions during warm-up, Volleyball Canada has developed the following warm-up protocol. This protocol is to be followed by all teams during the designated on court warm-up time:
Athletes must remain on their side of the net immediately following an attack and only move to the opposite side of the net from outside of the court. Athletes are not permitted into the receiving court.
Any ball from the receiving side of the court, entered to the attacking side, must be entered from outside of the court.
Retrieved balls must be returned along the sidelines of the court and not through the receiving court.
If the team is using both sides of the court, i.e. full court game type activity – only one ball can be in play at any given time.
Opposing teams are not permitted to use volleyballs in the free zone during the other team’s allocated court time. It is recommended for the opposing team to support the retrieval of volleyballs for the team on the court.